
Re: TK2000 YES

Post by FrankG » April 17th, 2014, 8:40 am

Bang, smoke, flop ....... toast :D There is not a more "fun" SG to hunt turkey with. Have had a number of birds all around so far this season, Tennessee, just could not get one to commit. I hold to a 40 - 50 yard max range, this SG will get the job done. Took him at 43 yards, 100gr T7, 2oz #6 heavy shot. I like a red dot so I added a Aimpoint 9000SC, have 4 others ..... the best red dot IMO. Not a huge bird but at 19# 1oz, 9" beard with 1 and 1-1/8 spurs a good one to be sure. Can't wait to get out again, as a matter of fact I'm in the market for my 2nd TK2000 thumb hole stock.

